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Task Detail

How to add detail to a Task after creation

Once you have added a task to a Runbook from the Planner screen, you can go to the task detail and make further edits:

  1. From the Planner screen, click on the task wbs to open the task slide-in.
  2. A range of tabs are available to allow you to make quick edits to the task:
    1. Details: allows you to change the task title, the task duration, or add a longer description or some technical details
    2. Dependencies: this tab shows you the predecessors and successors which already exist. Clicking on the + button allows you to add predecessors from within the Runbook or across other Runbooks in your Event (Go to the article on Dependencies for a full description on creating and removing Dependencies)
    3. Assignment: allows you to assign tasks to Teams, Groups and Task owners
    4. Settings: enables you to set flags on tasks for Auto Activate, Auto Complete, Skip and Milestones and enable Task Comms
    5. Constraints allows you to add a Start No Earlier Constraint on a Task
    6. User Def: provides some additional fields to capture some additional task information, where there are no specific fields in RBM. These columns can be added to a Planner view and filtered on
    7. Comments: allows you to add comments relating to a task which might be done during the construction of the Runbook or as a commentary during a go-live for example

  3. The above attributes can also all be edited from the Task Detail Record. From the Planner screen, click on the the task number to open the Task Detail record.
  4. This will open a new tab alongside the Planner tab.
  5. You will see details which you already added on task creation, like the short description and task duration. If you assigned the task to a Group, Team or User from the Planner screen, you will also see these details. The fields available from the Task slide-in can all be edited from the Task Detail screen
  6. From this screen, there are a number of additional things you can do:
    1. Attachments - documents can be attached to the task for reference
    2. Issues - you can raise an Issue on a task at any time of the lifecycle, although tis would typically be done when a task is active, where you want to record that there are some problems in relation to the related activity
    3. Services - Services from within your organisation's ServiceNow platform can be added to align with a task
    4. Changes - Changes from within your organisation's ServiceNow platform can be added to align with a task
    5. Incidents - Incidents from within your organisation's ServiceNow platform can be added to align with a task
    6. Risks - Risks from within your organisation's ServiceNow platform can be added to align with a task

Any fields which are greyed out cannot be edited. These fields will be populated automatically.