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Import data into a Runbook

How to Import data into a Runbook

In some scenarios, it will be useful to import data into an RBM Runbook, rather than creating all the data within the RBM solution.

Currently the import function sits within a Runbook only and not an Event.

An Import template is provided to ensure that all the data columns are in the correct format for a successful import. You can download the template here: RBM Import File

In order to import data to a Runbook:

  1. From within an Event, click on the target runbook title
  2. On the Runbook Details page, go to the more options drop down and select Import
  3. Choose your Import File and then select Upload, then Start. The Import file must be in csv format.

  4. The validation will be run to ensure the formatting is correct for the Import file to be correctly imported into the Runbook.
  5. Once validation is complete, you will have the option to clear any existing data (Stages and Tasks) within the target Runbook. This is unticked by default, so if you go with that option, the imported stages and tasks will be added to the existing data.
  6. After selecting Apply, you will be invited to open the Runbook Planner to view the newly imported data.

The following information is useful to ensure that your import file is in the correct format for importing into RBM:

  • Data must be supplied in columns A to U as shown in the table below.
  • Ensure each new task is a single line in the csv file.
  • Your target Runbook does not need to have Phases, as these will be automatically created if they have been defined in the Import file.
  • There cannot be a Pre phase in a Backout STP.
  • A phase must begin with a Stage. The phase of tasks will be determined by the phase of the stage the tasks are part of.
  • Type can be STAGE or TASK.
  • Any Stage duration values will be ignored and calculated based on task durations.
  • Once the file is uploaded, it is validated and any validation errors are presented and can be downloaded.
  • When checking cells for validation errors, check formats match the Column formatting below.

Import File Format:

Column Element Type Description Constraints Mandatory
A Phase Text Indicator of  phase of stage/task. Pre, Imp or Post Y
B Type Text Indicator of the type of data. There must be a Stage in the input file before any tasks. Tasks cannot be added to existing Stages within the Runbook. Stage or Task. Y
C Title Text Stage/task title. Stage and Task Titles must be provided. Y
D Description Text Stage/Task description. Maximum 4000 characters N
E Technical Detail Text Stage/Task technical detail. Maximum 4000 characters.  N
F Explicit Start Time Date/Time Constraint time of task, ie task can start no earlier than, regardless of any predecessor tasks being completed. Not relevant for stage rows. This a Date/Time field. This must be entered using the custom format dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss N
G Duration Text Baseline Duration of task. Not relevant for stage rows. In format dd:hh:mm. Must be a Text field. e.g. Acceptable values are 99:23:59, 00:23:59, 00:00:59. N
H Ref Text Unique reference/id for stage/task. Maximum 100 characters. Y
I Dependencies Text Dependencies defined as comma separated list of predecessor Ref, with prefix of dependency type. E.g. FS:TA1,SS:TA3 denotes a task has finish-start dependency on TA1 and a start-start dependency on TA3. Dependency type prefix must be FS: or SS: . Predecessor ref must be a value of Ref column H.. N
J Owner Text Stage/Task owner name. - N
K Team Text Stage/Task team name. - N
L Milestone Text Indication of whether the stage/task is a milestone. Y or N N
M Trigger Comms Text Indication of whether the stage/task should trigger comms. Y or N N
N Comms Message Text Custom email comms for the task. Not relevant for stage rows. Maximum 4000 characters. PLEASE NOTE carriage returns consume two characters. N
O Notes Text Stage/task notes. Maximum 4000 characters.  N
P Systems Text User specific data. Maximum 100 characters. N
Q Task Refs Text User specific data. Maximum 100 characters. N
R User Def 1 Text User specific data for User Defined Fields. Maximum 100 characters. N
S User Def 2 Text User specific data for User Defined Fields. Maximum 100 characters. N
T User Def 3 Text User specific data for User Defined Fields. Maximum 100 characters. N
U User Def 4 Text User specific data for User Defined Fields. Maximum 100 characters. N