Should you want to clone or copy an Event, go to the source Event details page.
From the three dots more actions drop down on the top right of the details tab, you will see the Clone option.
Enter the short description (title) of the new Event.
Select which of the following options you want to use for the Task durations across the Runbooks in your Event:
Planned; this option will be available to you if the source Event has been Scheduled and Approved and will clone task durations of your new Event in a planned state
Forecast: this will be on as the default and will copy the task durations from the source Runbooks in the Event which are in a state of Forecast ie prior to your Event being Approved
Actual: this option will be available to you if the source Event has been completed and allows you to clone the actual durations
The cloning action will clone all the data within the source even, including:
All Runbooks
All Stages and Tasks within the Runbooks
All team members who were added in the source Event, at Event level and Runbook level
Change Records will be retained if you select that on the clone action
On completion of cloning the source Event, go to the List Events menu option on the left hand side of the screen and select the refresh button on the top right of that screen.
The newly cloned Event will now appear on the listing and Event ID can be clicked on to open the new Event.